Thashin Khan

Toronto, Ontario, Canada | | LinkedIn | GitHub


Ryerson University - Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical, 4th Year)

September 2018 - Present

GPA: 3.290/4.33

Technical Skills

Languages: C/C++, VHDL, Java, Assembly, SystemC, HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Tools: Oscilloscope, EMI Test Receivers, Function Generator, Logic Analyzer, Digital Multimeter

Technologies: Quartus, Keil MDK, Fusion 360/Cura, LTSpice, Cadence, Microsoft Office

Relevant Experience

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) & Reliability Intern - AMD, Markham, ON(May 2021 - Aug 2022)

  • Performed Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), and Safety pre-certification tests on various AMD GPUs.
  • Verified AMDs GPUs comply with international standards for EMI/RFI (CISPR 32/FCC Part 15-B) and Safety (IEC62368-1 Ed 2).
  • Mitigated EMI/RFI/Safety failures resulting from GPUs to ensure compliance with respective standards and first time pass at third-party certification.
  • Assisted in 15+ EMC/Safety certifications in AMD Markham/third-party certification labs, and completed 125+ pre-certification tests on various AMD products.
  • Experience with troubleshooting issues in Windows during systems setups by modifying vBIOS/IFWI, sBIOS, and Windows drivers. Debugged numerous issues brought up in Linux/Datacenter system setups, and with installation of AMD ROCm.
  • Trained upcoming PEYs and wrote guides on various AMD tools, lab procedures and internal/external hardware and software to assist 3rd party sites and new students.
  • Reduced EMI/Safety/RFI test overhead by modifying and creating excel templates using Excel VBA.

School Projects & Experience

HPS/FPGA Based MD5 Decryption SoC(May 2023)

  • DE1-SoC Dev Board was used to compute 32 MD5 hashes concurrently on an Altera Cyclone V FPGA. A custom MD5 hash controller application was created using a dual core ARM Cortex A9 based microcontroller running Yocto Linux.
  • Communication between the FPGA and processor was facilitated by the AMBA bus using the AMBA 3.0 (AXI V1.0) 32-bit protocol. Custom Avalon Memory Mapped (MM) Slaves were created using Altera's Qsys Integration Tool.

Single Button Smart Phone Interface(April 2023)

  • A Smart Phone Interface (SPI) was created to aid users with limited fine motor dexterity. A large physical button was used to complete basic smartphone functionality such as dialing a number or calling a contact. ECG information was also collected by the SPI.
  • The SPI was controlled by varying the timing and frequency of presses on a single 3D printed button. A menu system was implemented on a 24x2 character LCD which displayed the actions of the user, phone numbers, contact names, and heart-rate.
  • RF transceivers connected all three ATmega328P microcontrollers found in the button, LCD, and ECG circuit for a fully wireless system.
  • The SPI was also connected to a custom Android app via Bluetooth to send and recieve data such as phone numbers, contact names, call status, ECG graphing, etc. A custom UART based communication protocol was created to facilitate data transfer.

Media Center Embedded System(Nov 2022)

  • Created a media center on the NXP LPC1768 microcontroller. Features included a photo gallery, audio player, and games.

Metropolitan Undergraduate Student Society: Equity Committee (Aug 2019 - May 2020)

  • Raised awareness of on campus resources by creating a list of mental health/wellbeing, sexual violence/support, and academic needs resources on campus. The resource list is displayed on the MUES website.
  • Helped with the creation of an “Equality in Engineering” video showing off the diversity in Engineering, and the hardships that minorities face in the Engineering field. This video was posted on the MUES Instagram page.

Personal Projects

Capacitive Touch Bike Alarm(Dec 2021)

  • Utilized an RC circuit connected to a bike lock to sound an alarm when unknown users interact with the lock. Created using an ATtiny85 microcontroller. Cost and time constraints included a design in less than 3-days and under $10.

Finite State Machine Dice(Nov 2020)

  • Created a pseudo randomized dice game using 7400-series TTL ICs. A custom PCB was designed in EDA software for reproduction and use in board games.
  • Dice randomly outputs a state based on a custom-made finite state machine. Randomness was achieved by quickly switching states using a 555-timer circuit. A custom decoder was created to convert the 3-bit FSM output into a "dice face" representation. Symmetry was utilized to reduce the number of gates in the decoder.


COE838 (Systems-on-Chip Design), COE718 (Embedded Systems Design), ELE734 (Low-Power Digital Integrated Circuits), COE608 (Computer Organization and Architecture)